Promotion of benzodiazepine best practices happens at many levels, ranging from the guidelines and policies of medical societies and state medical boards through state and federal legislation and regulation. Current regulation is not meeting the needs of either patients or prescribers. For example, because many prescribers are unaware of the dangers, patients are rarely told that there is a significant chance that they may go through physical withdrawal if they use benzodiazepines as prescribed for more than two weeks. The Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices is committed to providing the evidence and otherwise motivating regulatory changes that will make it much less likely that a patient will become physiologically dependent on benzodiazepines, or develop adverse outcomes from their use.
The Alliance Needs Your Help
Each of these programs requires the assistance of experts and those who recognize the problems of benzodiazepine physiological dependence from personal experience or that of a family member or friend. If you or your organization support the goals of the Alliance, we need your help. If you can help or have relevant expertise, please click here.
The Alliance operates solely on tax-deductible contributions. You can help.