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Kindling (Old)

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Many patients report that they have previously discontinued the use of benzodiazepines without any repercussions (or with only mild, short-lived withdrawal). However, when they subsequently use and then attempt to discontinue the use of benzodiazepines, they experience a distressing withdrawal reaction.  Why is the subsequent withdrawal different? One explanation is a phenomenon called kindling.  Kindling, as a result of substance withdrawal, refers to the neurological condition that occurs with repeated withdrawals from sedative-hypnotic drugs like alcohol or benzodiazepines (click here for a paper on kindling in alcohol withdrawal).  With each withdrawal, individuals are at a higher risk for experiencing more severe withdrawal symptoms – up to and including seizures, psychosis and/or death.  While kindling in alcohol withdrawal has been described well, it has received less notice for benzodiazepines.  This indicates the need for a greater understanding of this phenomena common to sedative-hypnotics, and a resultant change in prescriptive practice.  See below for the details behind the phenomena of kindling in benzodiazepines and Z-drugs and its impacts on prescriptive practice.

It is important to note that kindling is likely to occur if benzodiazepines are used on a prn (“as-needed”) basis while withdrawing or recovering from benzodiazepine physiological dependence.
