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By Topic Tools

There are several “By Topic” tools.  They act together to inform your prescriber of your needs.  At the same time, they provide the prescriber with the medical information they need to help you.  Each new tool builds on the previous tools. 

New tools will be released as they become available.

Used properly with a reasonably receptive prescriber, these tools will:
  • Help you establish a good working relationship
  • Enable your prescriber to diagnose BZWS and BZIS
  • Enable your prescriber to help you taper off of benzos
  • Keep your prescriber on your team while you recover from benzo injury (if this affects you)
  • Help your prescriber to avoid causing benzo dependence in other patients

Pamphlet #1

I Need Your Help plus Pamphlet Communication Guide

Use these tools to help get your prescriber to agree to consider the possibility of a diagnosis of BZWS
and to read the subsequent pamphlets.

Pamphlet #3

BZRA Discontinuation 1:  Getting Started

Give your prescriber a concise overview of the unique properties and requirements of BZD withdrawal.

To use this pamphlet, you should have successfully delivered Pamphlets #1 and #2 to your prescriber.  Using the principles in the Pamphlet Communication Guide, you deliver Pamphlet #3 to your prescriber in the same manner as you delivered Pamphlets #1 and #2.

Pamphlet #5

BZRA Discontinuation 3:  Completion and Repair

This provides an overview of the requirements and expectations for taper completion and repair of BZD-Induced Brain Injury (BZIBI).

To use this pamphlet, you should have successfully delivered the previous pamphlets to your prescriber.  Don’t forget to use the principles in the Pamphlet Communication Guide when you deliver Pamphlet #5 to your prescriber.

Pamphlet Details and References

Most of the pamphlets list their references, but some only list the reference number.  You can see all of the references cited in all of the pamphlets.  Each reference links to the paper’s abstract or the whole text of the paper.  In addition, more details are provided for some of the pamphlet subject areas.

Pamphlet #2

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome Symptoms

Use this tool to get your prescriber to recognize the symptoms that might be benzodiazepine-induced.

Pamphlet #4

BZRA Discontinuation 2:  Symptomatic Relief

An outline of BZWS-specific tools that the prescriber can use for symptom relief.

To use this pamphlet, you should have successfully delivered the previous pamphlets to your prescriber.  Using the principles in the Pamphlet Communication Guide, you deliver Pamphlet #4 to your prescriber in the same manner as you delivered the previous pamphlets.

Pamphlet #6

BZRA Discontinuation 4:  It Takes a Team

This tool emphasizes that a broad team that includes your prescriber is needed to treat BZWS and BZ Injury Syndrome.

To use this pamphlet, you should have successfully delivered the previous pamphlets to your prescriber.  Don’t forget to use the principles in the Pamphlet Communication Guide when you deliver this pamphlet to your prescriber.

Tapering Details

Pamphlet 3 – BZRA Discontinuation 1: Getting Started – describes the general process for helping susceptible patients taper off of BZRAs.  Safe taper protocols require a higher level of understanding than what can be presented in a pamphlet.  Click below to access evidence-based best practices for tapering, a discussion of tapering methods commonly employed by patients, and sample tapers.

We Want to Help

The Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices Wants to Get You Living Your Best Life Again