Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome (BZWS)

Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome (BZWS) can result from the chronic prescription and use of benzodiazepines or Z-drugs. It can occur whether or not the patient stops using the drug, although the withdrawal syndrome is usually of a more severe nature when the drug is withdrawn. The severity of BZWS symptoms depends on many factors, and varies from imperceptible to debilitating. For an in-depth discussion of the withdrawal syndrome, please start here or go to the For Prescriber’s page and browse through the topics listed under “Dependence and Withdrawal”.
There is a large body of literature on BZWS, ranging from peer-reviewed publications to personal anecdotes. Please see our Benzodiazepine Reference Library. For the physician, it is particularly important to note that most sources recommend tapering off benzodiazepines to minimize the effects of the withdrawal syndrome. Thus, it is important for the physician to not only assist the patient in this process, but to continue prescribing decreasing amounts of benzodiazepines, possibly for far longer than recommended for withdrawal from any other class of drugs.