In-Depth BZD Information for Prescribers
This information will help medical providers to address problems related to benzodiazepines and Z- drugs (collectively benzodiazepine receptor agonists, or BZRAs) in a stepwise process. This includes modifications to taking a history, performing an exam and relevant studies, making an assessment (differential diagnosis), and establishing a plan.
BZRA-Specific Considerations
Benzodiazepines have been FDA-approved for very few specific uses. However, they are often used to treat many different symptoms and indications. Unfortunately, the use of these drugs off-label poses the danger of worsening the treated symptom and can lead to a painful withdrawal.
BZs and Z-drugs present risk-benefit trade-offs that are not well known.
BZRA Efficacy
Benzodiazepines have been FDA-approved for very few specific uses. However, they are often used to treat many different symptoms and indications. Unfortunately, the use of these drugs off-label poses the danger of worsening the treated symptom and can lead to a painful withdrawal.
BZRA Problems
Like all medications, BZRAs have well-known side effects. In addition, long-term studies show that benzodiazepines lose their efficacy over time and that dependence is high in long-term users.