Our Programs
The Alliance is working to improve benzodiazepine prescription practices. We have significant accomplishments and programs focused on research, education, and regulatory reform.
Our Organization

Read about The Alliance’s mission statement, meet the board of directors, and learn about how you can help.
Learn about our mission and who we are.
We are actively seeking medical professionals to join our team, but there are many ways to get involved, at every level of experience.
Our work is dependent on your generosity.
Our Initiatives
The Alliance is focused on the reform of current benzodiazepine prescription practices. We have significant accomplishments and programs focused on research, education, and regulatory reform.
The Alliance is focused on benzodiazepine and Z-drug action. We have programs focused on research, education, and regulatory reform.
Through our members and affiliates, we write or manage the writing of benzodiazepine-focused articles that are published in medical journals.
The Alliance had helped define and sponsors an original benzodiazepine research project at the University of Tucson.
We have developed and present education seminars to prescribers in 3 countries for Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit. Check out the latest CME course schedule.
Next to opioids, benzodiazepines have more problem reports than any other drug. Regulatory reform is long overdue.
From senate hearings to FDA appeals, here’s a review of the history of benzodiazepine and Z-drug reform efforts.
Lessons from the Opioids and FQs
Like opioids, benzodiazepine use is leading to an over-use problem largely fueled by over-prescription.